For students who would like to request an official transcript, please submit the Document Request Form and the Credit Card Authorization Form to or in person to the Registrar’s office.

Payment is $15 per transcript and there will be an extra $15 cost charged for mailing. If mailing is not needed, please write either “Pick-Up” or “Emailed” in the “Reason/purpose for requesting” section of the Document Request Form.   

Once the Registrar’s office receives both forms, processing usually takes about 5-7 business days to issue transcripts.

Payment can be made by

  1. Filling out the Credit Card Authorization Form and sending it back to (make sure to include the CVV number which is the 3-digit number on the back of your credit card); or
  2. Calling (703) 206-0508 (Bookstore ext. #315)
  3. Visiting the Bookstore in person

Office Hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.